Crude Oil Price Increase Reiterates the Importance of Solar Growth

Although, renewable energy growth (especially solar) has been incredible in India, the country is still the third-largest oil consumer in the world (4.14/million barrels per day, 4% share of the world total). It is understandable that Indian solar industry still hasn’t grown large enough to phase out conventional energy usage and satisfy country’s growing energy…

Solar Anti-Dumping: The Question We Must Answer for Industry Favored Resolution

Office of the Directorate General of Anti-Dumping (DGAD) presiding over the hearing of anti-dumping petition on 12th of December, can be considered another step in favor of domestic manufacturers towards demand creation within domestic industry. Domestic manufacturers have had a long history (nearly 5 years) of conflict against imported modules and cells. While India kept…

Proposed Blanket Safeguard Duty- Set to Affect Domestic Manufacturing

The news of The Director General (Safeguards) recommending to impose 70% safeguard duty on imported solar panels and cells has created a commotion within Indian solar industry. Domestic manufacturers have had a long history (nearly 5 years) of conflict against imported solar components, as foreign (Chinese) suppliers continued dumping solar components in India at a…

Solar Industry 2018: Opportunities Exist, More Efforts Needed

Solar industry is growing globally and the year 2017 has been the year of expansion for solar. China led the growth spectrum by adding 52 GW of new solar installations in 2017, while US (12.5 GW), India (~6 GW), Japan (5.8 GW), Germany (2.2 GW) took positions respectively. Australia, South Korea, Chile, and Turkey also…